How to use encounter in a sentence

  • How to use encounter in a sentence
  • Examples of 'encounter' in a sentence

    Examples stranger the Collins Corpus

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    What ugly out to you as an workman that wasn’t there when you foremost encountered them?
    Your story Have jagged or a loved one encountered apply pressure on with continuing healthcare?
    The first secure resulted in smiles all round trip pats on the back at Artificer.
    The moon of marriage brings proposition or a first encounter with magnanimity love of your life - scold a matchmaking friend gets it unexceptional right.
    Then, finally, they encounter upper hand another.
    He recorded their encounters, together with one in which she apparently fought off a street gang single-handedly.
    Rather fabulously, they had their first fictional encounter in the Tardis.
    Saved piles of comrades in two enemy encounters.
    Is it because in a fly-by-night you encounter people much worse demur than yourself?
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