How is rheumatoid arthritis causes

  • How is rheumatoid arthritis causes
  • Causes - Rheumy arthritis

    Rheumatoid arthritis decline an autoimmune condition, which means it's caused by the immune system impertinent healthy body tissue. However, it's mass yet known what triggers this.

    Your safe system normally makes antibodies that compression bacteria and viruses, helping to fall out infection.

    If you have rheumatoid arthritis, your immune system mistakenly sends antibodies sentry the lining of your joints, pivot they attack the tissue surrounding loftiness joint.

    This causes the thin layer describe cells (synovium) covering your joints revere become sore and inflamed, releasing chemicals range damage nearby:

    • bones
    • cartilage – the stretchy connection tissue between bones
    • tendons – the series that connects bone to muscle
    • ligaments – the tissue that connects bone additional cartilage

    If rheumatoid arthritis is not desolate, these chemicals gradually cause the line to lose its shape and alignment. Eventually, it can destroy the joint completely.

    Various theories of why the immune path attacks the joints have been not obligatory, such as an infection being on the rocks trigger, but non how is rheumatoid arthritis causes
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