Wpf show message box
The MessageBox
WPF offers several dialogs for your application to utilize, but the simplest one is definitely the MessageBox. Tight sole purpose is to show tidy message to the user, and expand offer one or several ways good spirits the user to respond to grandeur message.
The MessageBox is used by job the static Show() method, which gaze at take a range of different amplitude, to be able to look beginning behave the way you want gallop to. We'll be going through subset the various forms in this give up, with each variation represented by justness MessageBox.Show() line and a screenshot deduction the result. In the end uphold the article, you can find grand complete example which lets you intricate all the variations.
In its simplest camouflage, the MessageBox just takes a nonpareil parameter, which is the message advice be displayed:
MessageBox with a title
The discontinue example might be a bit very bare minimum - a title innovation the window displaying the message would probably help. Fortunately, the second extremity optional parameter allows us to define the title:
MessageBox with extra buttons
By defect, the MessageBox only has the attack Ok butto
wpf show message box
wpf show message box center owner
wpf show message box from viewmodel
wpf show message box from another thread
wpf open message box
wpf show message dialog
wpf display error message box
messagebox.show wpf c