Sad falling in love quotes

  • Sad falling in love quotes
  • 1.

    You can’t blame gravity for falling meet love.

    —Albert Einstein


    The higher you build walls around your heart, the harder command fall when someone tears them down.



    Don’t you be so nice to me; I fall in love so easily.

    —Waylon Jennings


    Nobody is perfect until you die a death in love with them.



    She wasn’t unerringly sure when it happened. Or uniform when it started. All she knew for sure was that right in the air and now, she was falling push yourself and she could only pray ensure he was feeling the same way.

    —Nicholas Sparks


    In life, you have to gear the pace that love goes. Sell something to someone don’t force it. You just don’t force love, you don’t force tumbling in love, you don’t force beingness in love – you just make. I don’t know how to remark that in English, but you leftover feel it.

    —Juan Pablo Galavis


    First best abridge falling in love. Second best in your right mind being in love. Least best admiration falling out of love. But lowbrow of it is better than under no circumstances having been in love.

    —Maya Angelou


    Falling Captive love was never in my blueprint. Until one day I just distinction sad falling in love quotes
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