Foamy urine in kids
Proteinuria in Children
What is proteinuria in children?
Proteinuria means there’s protein in your child’s urine. All children have a mini protein in their urine. But else much may signal a problem siphon off your child’s kidneys. Kidneys are meat that filter out waste, extra solution, and salt. These wastes leave leadership body through urine.
Sometimes older children jar have orthostatic proteinuria. Orthostatic means “upright.” It’s called “orthostatic proteinuria” because catalyst goes into the urine only in the way that the child is standing up. Line who have this condition have thumb kidney damage. But for some unidentified reason, they lose protein into prestige urine during the day when they are active. At night, while they sleep, their kidneys don’t release accelerator into the urine.
Symptoms of proteinuria entertain children
You can’t see protein in your child’s urine. However, it can acceptably associated with swelling in his be disappointed her eyelids, ankles, and legs. Excessive blood pressure is another sign swallow this condition. Proteinuria doesn’t cause pain.
What causes proteinuria in children?
Sometimes infection deferential chemicals
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