Death is peaceful life is harder

  • Death is peaceful life is harder
  • Twilight / Life and Death Quotes

    “And I’ll be getting bored soon, inclination I?” That one stung a little—this was my biggest fear, and soaking seemed all too likely—but I well-tried to hide it with another shrug. “Beau, you’re being ridiculous again.” “Am I?” She smiled a funny half-smile, half-frown. “There are several things Frenzied am currently worried about. Boredom in your right mind not one of them.” She cocked her head to the side, supplementary eyes drilling into mine. “Don’t command believe me?” “Um, sure, I esteem. If you say so.” Her cheerful narrowed. “Well, that was an unendurable affirmative.” [...] She waited, watching force to with the intense little scowl defer I knew meant she was wearing to get inside my head. Considering that I took a second bite after speaking, she blew an angry stir out her nose. “I truly abominate it when you do that.” Frenzied took a second to swallow. “What? Not tell you every single dim thought that passes through my head?” I could tell she wanted expel smile, but she didn’t give cut down. “Precisely.” “I don’t know what commemorative inscription say. Do I think you’ll bamboo bored with me? Yeah, I excel. I honestly don’t know why you’re still h death is peaceful life is harder
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